Welcome to the YouCanBook.me community forum! This is a space for everyone to share best practices and help each other out. In order to make this an inclusive environment for all we have a few guidelines we ask you all to follow.
- Keep it positive- don’t be rude. Be supportive and helpful.
- Keep it clean- would your mother approve? Don’t be gross.
- Keep it relevant- Does this need to be said? Does it need to be said now? Does it need to be said by you?
- Keep it respectful- healthy discussions, not hurtful polarizing language.
Keep things positive and polite - Do not post any derogatory content or anything inappropriate. If you wouldn’t say it or show it to your mother, don’t post it here. This includes but is not limited to any disparaging comments concerning a member’s age, race, sexual orientation, or intelligence. Any comment violating this will be removed and the member may have their account on this forum deleted.
Agree to disagree - Discussions are important the life blood of any forum. While you may disagree with a topic or solution, please avoid attacking the person who posted and rather discuss the merits of the suggestion. Name calling will not be permitted. Counter arguments are always welcome, as long as they progress the conversation.
Peer to Peer support - While our team will check on things from time to time, ultimately this is a community that will thrive off of your input and suggestions. If you have encountered the same issue as someone or have a unique solution, please share. There are no bad ideas and everyone’s opinion is welcomed. Active members may be promoted to moderators in the future and we may send you some swag for being awesome.
Sell your wares elsewhere - Please do not use this forum to promote your business or advertise. While you can talk about products you love (or even sell) when pertinent to the conversation, any posts attempting to increase links to your website to hawk your products or services will be removed.
No yelling - AVOID USING ALL CAPS, as this can subtract from the power of your comment and may come off harsher than you anticipate.
Feature requests and complaints - In order to keep things visible to our team and allow us to track them, we ask that you submit any feature requests or grievances to our support team.
Be our eyes - Again we won’t be able to check out everything, but if you see something suspicious that goes against what we outlined here, please flag it. We then can review things and act accordingly.
Have fun - We are here to help each other grow. It is with the support of each other that this will happen. Let’s have some fun!