Help with API calls to create, update and cancel a meeting

Pretty new to the site, and getting confused with API calls.
Must INTENT before each call? And what is the subdomain?
Can someone write a clear reading? Because in the documentation it is really not clear.
And how is it possible to add a NOTE when creating a meeting in the API?
Thanks in advance!!!

@L.E an intent is the pre-selections for the booking, basically choosing from a menu board. Think of it as setting the form fields, team members, appointment types, start time, timezone etc. The intentId you get will also allow you to retrieve availability to know when the booking page has free time based off of the page settings and the selections you have chosen.

Then when you want to make a booking you confirm the intent and this will give you a bookingId.

When you say add a Note to a booking, if your booking form has a notes field you can populate that within the intent selections, and add a note in that field.

The subdomain will be the booking page you want to book with, for instance: (demo is the subdomain). Each booking page will have a unique subdomain and a set of rules to adjust availability.