Displaying available meetings first


Just wondering… is there an someway of customising the embed code, so that the booker automatically diverts to the first available session.

As an example, if you head to https://muddybootsacomb.youcanbook.me/, you will see someone has to click ‘next week’ around 8 times before seeing an available session. Is there a way of telling the booker to display that first available slot instantly?

@mattallton welcome to the Forum. We are working on this very thing to allow the booker to always see availability regardless of how far in the future it is. Until then you could adjust the fixed start date to sometime in the future: Set fixed start and end dates for your bookings - YouCanBook.me Support

With this method you would need to go and manually change this every time.

Or you could explore adjusting the minimum booking notice to be 8 weeks (56 days) out: