Get availabilities more than 30 days ahead

I’m having an issue where I can only get the next 30 days of available slots through the API. Would need at least 90 for our use case. Can’t figure out where to set this.

@theapidev try including a search to GET your availability key:{intentId}/availabilitykey?startSearchAt=2024-11-05

Hi Ben, thanks but what’s the limit with this? Like how many does it load then? Because I also don’t want to load like 2 years ahead and have to load a lot of data. Is there a way to specify? Or does it always do 30 days ahead from the startSearchAt, so I’d need to loop through it like 3 times to get all the slots I want?

@Ben , even the above aside, I now tried creating an intent for one of these dates further ahead for making a booking via the api, but it doesn’t allow me since the timestamp is too far ahead it seems.