Misconfigured booking page | Calendar Issue?

Hi there!

We have several links that we’ve used for years within our account, and now all of them are displaying the following message.

Here are 2 of the links within our account.


We can’t access this calendar to show availability or take bookings. Come back later or contact who you are trying to book with<

We’ve not changed anything, and I went into the back end to double check, and it appears that things are fine, with the exception that I keep seeing a box that says, “We can’t connect to one of your calendars.”

We did have an employee recently part ways, but that was over a month ago, and we removed her calendar at that time, and this problem is new as of today.

I have already gone through the re-authorize on the back end, and that has not solved the problem.

Please help, as we are recruiters, and candidates can’t book time with us, and our business comes to a standstill without properly working links.

@eevictory it looks like a calendar may have been disconnected. You can delete or edit the team member on that page here: