Booking statuses


I’m trying to determine the booking status using the API.

In the GUI and Zapier integration, I can see the statuses seem to be mapped this way:

  • Undecided - tentative
  • Cancelled - rejected or cancelled
  • Accepted - upcoming or finished
  • No Show - noShow
  • And one more status in Zapier - inProgress

That’s all quite clear.

However, I can’t determine the status using the API.

In the Booking object (Booking | YouCanBookMe API) I can only see two fields which look like a status:

  • noShow
  • cancelled

I tried to add the fields below to the request, hoping they would tell me something, but I don’t get any values for them, even though I tested it on a booking that already has some history - was accepted or rejected, etc.

The fields are:

  • acceptedAt
  • rejectedAt

So I’m quite confused.

Could you please advise how to determine the current booking status?

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

@MarekLeon you can test out the booking query endpoint:

Include the following:
from=2023-12-01T00%3A00%3A00Z (date and time)
pageSize=20 (up to 500)
statuses=finished (Valid values: tentative, rejected, cancelled, upcoming, inProgress, finished
and noShow)

@Ben thanks for this workaround.
Is there any chance you will add a field clearly showing the status of each booking? I believe that would be significantly better solution.