My customers are students. Their email address is only for internal use, they cannot send or receive emails from addresses outside of our school. Email is no longer an option, it is a required field.
Is there anyway to disable email as a required field?
@kcristarella As of right now an email address is required to book. There is a way through the API to remove this field, but the application UI (user interface) won’t allow this. If you have a page on your account you’d like to adjust, let me know through a message here and I can get it adjusted for you. Keep in mind that without an email you would need to add the {ADD-TO-} links to the after booking message. Were you capturing phone number for SMS notifications?
Hi Ben,
Thank you for your response. Our students do not have an email address because of the safety limitations we have in place, they can only send or receive webmail from people within our organization. This is also the way we stay in contact with their parents/guardians, while we do ask for an alternate email address, many of them do not have one. We usually rely on the students to add the appointment day and time to their own planner.
Let me get with our IT department and see if they have any suggestions.