Rebook for clients


How can I put a “rebook link” in the post appointment email ?

I see the rebook button in Booking page, but I do not see shorthand code or other link to let my client come again without to be obliged to fill the booking formular again.

Is it possible ? I do not want the “reschedule” link, but the “rebook” link

Thank a lot

Hey Syssi! I don’t think there is a way to add the rebook link as that is just for admins, but there might be a different option. You could add a special link that pulls in the booker’s information. When they click this link they are taken to the booking grid and then all of their information is automatically filled in. This article may help out:

Hello Eric,

Merci de cette explication. Thank for your help

Afin de la mettre en pratique dans mon mail de remerciement,j’ai besoin d’une clarté complémentaire.

To be shure to make the correct insert, I need some more explanations :

Do I have to let the link as you propose it :

Dois laisser le lien tel qu’il est :{FNAME}&LNAME={LNAME}&Email={EMAIL}&NATEL={NATEL}

or do I have to put the “label” like I translate them in my booking form ? ou dois-je insérer les “label” que j’ai créés dans mes formulaires (car traduits en français) :énom={FNAME}&NomdeFamille={LNAME}&Email={EMAIL}&N°detélmobile={NATEL})

Grand merci pour précisez comment faire au plus juste. Thank to help me once again.

Bonne journée

Hi Syssi,

For this you will just pull in the shorthand codes you have setup on your booking form.
So whatever you have there will be what you will use to setup and to fill. I hope this helps.