Upcoming Bookings - Please revert

The Upcoming Bookings list has changed

It used to show a couple of previous bookings as well as upcoming bookings, which was useful for rebooking clients after their visit, this has changed to only showing future bookings. Means I have to click back every time to “past”, which isn’t a massive hardship but is kind of irritating.

Can you revert it back to how it was please?

Best wishes, Aaron

@Highland thank you for your feedback. We will forward that off to the product team.

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It has come to light that the search function is also affected by this change. Previously you could fire in a search string and get all hits past and future. Now you have to specify past to look at previous bookings. This is quite a downgrade in functionality.

One of the big reasons why we didn’t have an all bookings search, is because of how far do you go back in time.

The introduction of date range makes this a better experience. But we understand that change can be difficult.

We are discussing adding a prompt that if there are no upcoming bookings for a search term, we allow you to search all bookings
There are no upcoming bookings for your search term xx, do you wish to search all bookings for example.

We almost always search backwards. We can see upcoming bookings on the Calendars, but it’s usually history we are looking for when an old client gets back in touch with us

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