I am having a problem with bookers being automatically rescheduled. Moments after they book an appointment with me, they are rescheduled for a seemingly random time. They then receive a rescheduling email as though I had rescheduled the appointment – but I did not. Any idea how to fix this?
Hi Sarah, sorry you were affected by this. Our team just rolled out the bug fix for this this morning. Have you experienced this today with any new bookings?
Hi Tiffany,
Yes, I tested this with a colleague about 15 minutes ago and we did experience the rescheduling problem.
Hi Sarah, Thanks for reporting this. It appears in Microsoft the issue still exists. Basically there is a validation service crawling our confirmation emails for dangerous links, and it is triggering the reschedule links as a part of the process. Our engineering team is working on a fix - I’ll come back to this post once it’s been resolved.
In the meantime if you want a quick fix, go to Notifications > Actions > Confirmation email to you and delete the {OWNER-RESCHEDULE} and {OWNER-CANCEL} from the body of that email. that will prevent the emails from being rescheduled until this is resolved.
@tiffany Thank you very much for that workaround. I appreciate your help.
Hi Sarah, I’m sorry for the delay in updating this thread - but this issue has been fully fixed now. You’re welcome to re-add the {OWNER-RESCHEDULE} and {OWNER-CANCEL} links back into your confirmation emails.
@tiffany Thank you for letting me know!