Multiple calendars in the same account


We are an Escape Games company, located in Lisbon.

We use 6 different users at to have one calendar per room (we have 6 thematic rooms that can be booked from our website, based on your calendar).

We want to set up a thank you page when a customer makes a reservation, to have access to conversions from our google adds campaigns.

We currently use free accounts but we intend to switch to a paid plan, because to put a link on a thank you page when the customer finalizes the purchase, there is a cost (according to the information on the dashboard).

What we need is to know if we can have 6 calendars in one account and make a paid plan from this scenario, or else we would have to have a paid plan for each of the 6 accounts.


Hi there, welcome to the forum!

You can have up to 200 booking pages in a single account, at no additional charge.

So yes you can have a single account and upgrade just that account!

Our pricing is based on the number of linked calendars in the account. If all of your 6 booking pages are linked to the same calendar (meaning bookings for all 6 booking pages reside in the same Google or Outlook calendar) then the price would be $10/month for 1 calendar. If each booking page is linked to its own unique calendars for booking (recommended so each location can be booked independently) the subscription price would increase.

I hope that answers your question!

Thanks for the quick response Tiffany.

We need an answer to this question: Is it possible to make a single calendar for the 6 rooms? If so, will the amount be $ 10 / month?

That is, if Tiffany makes a reservation for a game of a theme in one of our available times, that time is already blocked for that room but is still available for other game rooms. Is this possible?

On our side, it would be just creating a form with answers already predefined for the names of our different thematic rooms. But we need the software to be able to block a certain room after a reservation, but that the others remain available for the same time.

If this is not possible, is it possible to have 6 different calendars but that all point to the same email? If so, will the amount be $ 10 / month?

@MissiontoEscape2021 You could explore using the units feature to allow up to 6 people to book a time slot, essentially taking up a room. More information here.. This can be used in conjunction with the Teams feature to allow your bookers to choose their resource or room. It should be possible to do this connecting to the same calendar with the 6 units. Otherwise you would need to connect 6 calendars, one for each room. The monthly cost would then be $60/month.