either giving my prospective bookers the freedom to choose a range of time in, say, 15 minute increments;
or using appointment types.
I can’t do both. If I use appointment types, the only way a booker can customize the length of the appointment is by booking several appointments (which is a pain); or it requires that I duplicate the appointment types, to have one for each size. This is okay if you have a smaller number of appointment types, but if you have a handful, the cross product of (appointment type, possible durations) becomes large.
It would be great if appointment types:
either could have a range of durations (i.e., 15 to 45 minutes) like for overall bookings;
or could be provided with the ability to book several slots in one booking (i.e., up to 3 single 15-minute consulting meetings in one meeting).
@Ben Sorry for the delay in following up on this question. But yes, that’s exactly what I am asking for.
The only thing is, I realize that doing this well is tricky.
Right now I create copies of the same appointment type, but it clutters the list (especially if there were to be a longer description than just two lines):
Would be nice to have just one “Miscellaneous Meeting” and allow the duration to be between 15 and 30 minutes (or 15 minutes and 1 hour, or whatever).
@Ben I just want to point out that I am experimenting with other ways of doing this: For instance, I have often noticed that what might make a meeting run longer or require more time is, if it’s the first time I have met a student.
So one completely different solution I am considering, is to just have a separate item called “One-Time Introduction (please select this in addition to any meeting type if this is the first time we are meeting” that adds an extra 15 minutes to any meeting where it is selected.
It could be that that is a better way of addressing my perceived need for variability in the meeting durations.