Send clients a custom booking link with set duration

Hi team YCBM,

Could we have the option to send a custom link to a client with a predetermined booking duration?
It would look like when we reschedule an existing appointment and can only see the time slots that actually fit that appointment.

Right now I tell each client how much time they should book for, but sometimes people get confused.
My appointments vary from 30min to 5h (in 30min increments), so having different appointment types wouldn’t work either.

Thank you,

Hi Daniele - if each of your appointments has a specific duration, you can setup multiple appointment types on your page. Offer multiple length appointments on a single booking page - Support

That would allow you to share direct links to specific appointment types: Direct links to appointment types

That would be the best way to accomplish what you’re after. Hope that helps!

Hi Tiffany,
I’ll try that solution, thank you!