Unexpected Error While Login and cannot login at all

I am unable to login at all. I created account using email1 and then changed the account email to email2, I got the verify email too but unable to login at all. My website is already live and need your help to login again.

@mdilaw sorry on the delay and the login issues. I checked and I see an active account for you under your forum email address. IF needed you can try and reset your password here: https://app.youcanbook.me/#/authRecoverPassword

Hi Ben,

I seem to have a similar issue. I am desparately trying to log in to the platform. Despite having my password at hand and trying the forgot password functionality several times, I cannot get in.

Can you please clarify how I can proceed?

Hi @ThinkMore

Thank you for reaching out to us! We just updated your account. Would you be able to attempt the action again? If the problem continues, please let us know.

Hi Orlando,

thanks a lot, now I can log in again, however it seems that the account level has changed. I am working with Founder Institute (https://fi.co/berlin) and was using the partner benefits for my account which gave me the basic paid plan for free. Now all my links do not work anymore.

Best regards Ferdinand

Hi @ThinkMore ,

Thank you for your response. We apologize for the late reply. A ticket has been created, and an email has been sent to you. We will assist you further through the ticket. If you have any additional inquiries, please feel free to respond to the email. Thank you!