I want to see if your software will work for us as we have a different scenario that requires booking. Can you let me know if it is possible and what it would involve? When booking, we need the customer to select a date first; and then they will see a list of appointments with distinct names only used 1 time to book. The appointments will not re-occur and will need a specific name and details added by us on the calendar. There will be about 100 of these unique events on the calendar at any given time for the customer to book. It would be even better if they could see the list of available events to book in a month view.
Hi @mshrider welcome to the Forum! You could explore using Custom Availability to have specific dates and starts times that are available. You add events with a specific title to your calendar and our system will only pull in those dates and times you setup. We don’t have a month view, but folks would see all available times you have setup.
I could be off base here, and if that is the case any additional context would be helpful.
Hello @Ben ,
Thanks! I figured how to do that. Now my only dilemma is that it does not pull the appointment description from my google calendar. I would need a unique name for every appointment. Do you know of a way to do similar? Will have too many appointments for the customer click 1 of 100 appointment types before selecting a date. Right now, they just click the generic appointment type and then go to the calendar to see the time slot but the description doesn’t carry over from google calendar.
@mshrider thank you for the added information. With Custom Availability it will only pull in the times and no other details. You could create separate booking pages (you can create up to 200) for each appointment type and use the Case # as the calendar event title. Then folks accessing the page would only see times you specified for that meeting type. The challenge with this is that there would be 100 unique pages and getting the right one for the right person may be tough.
If instead anytime would work you could create unique meeting links to give to folks with a passthrough URL parameter. You would setup a passthrough form filed and give it the CASE Shorthand code. Then on your booking page you would pass in ?CASE=2345-2021-CDFM. This will then be recorded and not editable on the booking page and stored in the CASE form field. The challenge here is that you need to get the unique link to the right person. This could be possible with a mail merge through an email service provider potentially.
@Ben Thanks for the additional info! I will now contemplate