Confirm sent but not reminders before booking


Confirmation email is sent directly after participants sign up for a time-slot. However, the 1 day email reminder is not sent and the 30 minute SMS is also not sent. I cannot figure out why these “before booking” reminders are not sent.

I have checked that I used proper codings and checked the mobile phone box. Since the confirmation email goes out I know the email entered is correct. I also checked junk mail in my email. I also checked I have SMS credits. I have not added a phone number to myself under account settings, but I don´t think this should matter unless I want to send to myself.

Some participants appear to have received the email reminder as they have answered subsequent questions, so the issue may not affect all.

One thing that come to mind is that I have been editing the content of the reminders a bit, would editing the content somehow make prior-edits-bookings not receive the notifications?

Hi there - I have checked and your setup is correct.

You may be best to contact support directly using the “Get Help” button in your dashboard so we can ask specifics about bookings not receiving the reminder emails without exposing personal information here on the form.

Thanks for your answer, we did contact the support directly but got only a partial answer, but maybe they will get back to us with more information soon.