Make "Hiding Unavailable Rows" feature optional

This is the interaction when you hover the available 8:30 AM time slot (the unavailable 8:40 time slot gets the same hover style)


@JeroenB great suggestions. I love the idea of a more flexible grid and getting rid of the concept of the grid display entirely. In the future you will have more control over your start times and how you want things to appear. This also will allow us to show only the times you are available fairly easily. We are finishing some tests on a new booking engine, once that is released we can start making customizations like this way faster.

@Ben Sounds promising! Looking forward to the new bookings engine. We have been using YCBM for multiple year now and overall are very happy with how everything works. For most events we need 30 or 60 minute time slots and for that setup everything works smoothly.

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Any update on this one also, @Ben?