Please allow Administrators to “Rebook” appointments that are in Cancelled or No show status. This would be a great addition, please.
Currently, only Account Owners are able to “Rebook” appointments that are in Cancelled or No show status.
Please allow Administrators to “Rebook” appointments that are in Cancelled or No show status. This would be a great addition, please.
Currently, only Account Owners are able to “Rebook” appointments that are in Cancelled or No show status.
@dinodxynez thanks for the suggestion. I’ll talk with the product team to get an update. I suspect like the other changes we are looking to make, that it will be possible once we get some infrastructure updates in place.
That’s a great idea. I second this. I frequently run into situations where being able to rebook a cancelled shoot with a couple of clicks would be very handy.
Update here from the team:
We have a solution that we worked on previously for allowing administrators, editors, and contributors to rebook and we’ll be bringing that back! We think most of the code is ready but needs another look. Hopefully we will see this in the coming weeks.
This is great news, @Ben
Hello, @Ben any update on allowing administrators, editors and contributors the ability to Rebook? I currently share my login credentials with an administrator I’ve assigned
If the code is ready for this implementation, I’m sure this would be a huge success for YCBM.
@dinodxynez The initial research is done on this and the work will start soon. I will circle up with the team when they are back in the office to get an official update.
As always, @Ben , thank you for the updates, definitely appreciated not only by myself but by most in the Forum, for sure. If we can get our Administrators the ability to "Rebook" appointments that are in Cancelled or in No Show status, that would be incredible.
@dinodxynez Our hope was that things would be on the board and ready to be built, but there is still some legacy functionality we need to remove for the work to begin.
~~ URGENT ~~
Hello again, @Ben
Circling back on this topic allowing regarding:
Allowing ‘administrators’ the ability to [ reschedule appointments ]
In the members setting, it shows administrators are able to “edit everything” except billing (see image), which is great. But since we’ve joined the platform, ‘Administrators’ are unable to [ Reschedule appointments ] forcing me, the Owner, to provide the team with my login credentials so that they can perform every-day tasks.
I do hope the developers are able to resolve this long-standing issue sooner rather than later. This issue alone has been more of a problem for me as an account owner than YCBM being a helpful booking solution to our business workflows.
Anything you can do to persuade the developers would be appreciated (by many I’m sure).
Thanks for all you do!
@dinodxynez I just tested this in my admin account and I can rebook bookings. If they go to the Bookings dashboard and find the past booking they should be able to rebook:
Is your team not seeing this for past bookings?
For upcoming bookings they should also be able to Rebook, Reschedule or Cancel:
Hi @Ben ,
Thank you for the speedy reply! I will login into the ‘administrator’ account and show you what they are able and/or unable to do.
I’ll be right back …
Hi @Ben,
It seems the administrator is able to both Rebook and Reschedule:
But the team is still insisting there are issues so I’m asking them to provide me with a more detailed issue. They said they will recreate the issue and provide me with images and videos.
I will be back hopefully with a more specific issue.
I do appreciate your willingness and patience.
I will be back later today with more accurate information.
Thanks again, sincerely.
@dinodxynez Any news from the team?
Apologies for the delayed response, but I’ve been trying to meet up with the team specifically to help me understand and/or recreate their issue with Rebooking and/or Rescheduling. I will be meeting up with them over the weekend and hopefully they can show me what their issues are.