The ability to have offer services on a given day, but not a set time

For companies in the delivery/logistics fields thee requirement to select a day for service is more valuable than a specific time.

While YCBM does allow this functionality to be mimicked, the time is still presented to the customer and, if not setup correctly, can present in different ways in the booking dashboard,

It be great to have an option for “all day bookings” without having to set the time range which also sees the time option hidden from the customer.

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@ITPsychiatrist great suggestion! I can see how having the option to book by the day instead of an exact time could be helpful. Out of curiosity would it be better for receiving departments to know when someone will be showing up that day to coordinate? Any additional color you can provide would be helpful.

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Hey Ben,

Great question - that might be a preference that the carrier offers, depending on the service they provide.

It could even be as simple as “morning/afternoon”, though SLA commitments do have a bearing on that!

The use case I have in mind is where a carrier doesn’t need a customer to be present to complete a job/delivery, so the time of day isn’t as critical, but the bookings allow them to create a run sheet.

Hope that adds a bit more colour :smiley:



Another thing to consider - none of the other booking tools offer this functionality (to the best of my knowledge…) so it could be a great differentiator in the market.


@ITPsychiatrist thank you for the added information. I will get this information over to our product team for future consideration.

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