What does the api FINAL NOTICE mean?

I have received this email.
Our records show that in the past you have used your account password as authentication to access our API.
As of March 11th, 2024 this will no longer be supported. You will instead need to access our API with your API Key.
I am not a techy and I’ve tried to engage with the YCBM Bot but that didn’t work.
I’ve read the API document but I’m confused about the api use.

I only synch with Zoom and Google. Both seem to be verified so I’m assuming I don’t need to do anything.
I use Zoho but it’s a devils own job to synch these 2 apps, hence stayin with Zoom and Google.
Am I correct in saying that I don’t need to do anything if I use the status quo but if I use Zoho Flow, for example, I’ll need to api to connect the two.

Am I on the right path?

@STSandman yes, you are correct. If you are using integrations like Zoom and Google calendar you won’t need to do anything different. If you want to use a tool like Zoho you will need to use your API key to connect instead of your account password. But again if you aren’t using that at the moment, there is nothing you need to worry about.