Why my ZOOM Personal Room´s password keeps changing?

Hello! I have Zoom integrated in my YCBM account. Since then, my Personal Room´s password in Zoom keeps randomly changing. I have contacted the Zoom support and they said the YCBM integration may be the cause. Please, is there a way how to prevent that? Thank you very much.

@madlacevelova welcome to the Forum! This is very strange. I will test out a few things. Our links should not be interacting with your PMI (personal meeting Id). If you require a password for regular Zoom links we do create you can include {ZOOM-PASSWORD} to let the booker’s know. Once I test things out I’ll let you know.

Thank you very much!

Hello Ben! I had a conversation with Zoom support. This is what they found out: Your personal meeting room has a static password that can be used at any time. When YBCM generates a meeting with the Personal Meeting Room and generates a new password, it’s updating the password for the room itself. Are they able to not use your PMR when generating the meeting? If so, that would prevent it from affecting the Personal Room." Is it possible? Please, what do you think about it? Thank you very much.

Just tested this out and I setup a booking through my booking page which has Zoom integrated. I started the Zoom meeting then checked in my Zoom settings and the PMI password did not update or change. When we create a meeting in Zoom we are not using your Personal Meeting Room, it is a separate meeting that will have it’s own password. I will send you an email so we can dig further into this.

I also have this problem. I have resorted to accessing my zoom account at the beginning of the day and removing the password from each meeting.

Unfortunately, the zoom password link does not change fast enough (or zoom doesn’t update fast enough), where my clients are stuck with the wrong password if I leave the password intact.

Unfortunately it also made no difference when I changed the User settings and Admin wide settings to remove passwords and just stick with waiting room access.

@khayrab there is a setting in Zoom you need to disable. Essentially you need to turn off using your PMI to schedule meetings

This should not adjust your PMI password or have the password be something different then what the integration will create.