Zoom Link on Gmail Calendar Invite When a Phone Call is Booked

This glitch causes confusion with my clients as they know they booked a phone call, so they ask “Why did you send me a Zoom link?” Answer: “I did not!”
Any help available here?

Hi @TX-Falcon

We will need to investigate what might have triggered this behavior. Please, feel free to send us an email at support@youcanbook.me

In order for us to investigate the issue that you are experiencing, can you please share a booking reference number with me?

You can find this on your bookings dashboard, by clicking "Details" on the booking in question. It is formatted like XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.

Alternatively, you can also head over to your calendar and click on the booking event, and share the “YCBM link ref” ID with me (can be found at the bottom of the event description, it’s a long string of characters).