Booking Form | Radio Buttons

When it comes to Radio Buttons, is it possible to provide an “Other” option, so that a client may enter a value themselves if one isn’t listed on a set of Radio Buttons?

Something like what you see in this image:

(I may have missed this option on the Booking Form, so should this be a feature request?)

@dinodxynez thanks for the suggestion. I will let the team know. In the interim you could add another field underneath the radio button on for Other: just make it short text.

Thanks, @Ben I’ll consider adding an additional short text field for “Other” below my radio buttons.

But that’ll create another column in our spreadsheets, we were just hoping we could keep this sort of data within the same column.

I hope the team will consider creating a fillable “Other” field below a set of radio buttons :pray:t3:

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Yes, this makes total sense. I will be sure to push for this. I will also touch base and see what the thinking is for changes to the booking form, this one seems like a quick win.

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Hello, @Ben I’m just circling back on this feature request, do you think this is something the developers will seriously consider? YCBM is a very good product but I believe it will attract more paying customers if the product is able to become as agile as it possibly can. (and in the long-run YCBM will have a direct effect on the success of the businesses who use this software. Just a thought.)

@dinodxynez this also is getting scoped out with a discovery ticket. This will follow the same flow as I mentioned in the other thread.

Thanks again, @Ben sincerely, I would really love to grow with YCBM and create enthusiasm for this product. This is excellent news! :hugs:

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