Is it possible to establish a rule to make prices flexible?

I use a saas called Supersaas. For the pricing of my customers, supersaas allows me to set a rule on the maximum price I want to charge my customers.
The customer selects a meeting room and the time he wants to spend in the room. The price increases according to the time they spent in the room: 1h = 20 euros; 2h = 40 euros … 5h = 100 euros … 9h = 100 euros.
The price remains the same beyond 5 hours.
I’d love to switch supersaas for but I need this feature.
Is it possible to add it on Is it too complicated?

Hi Jeremy, currently you can setup a per time slot cost or a cost associated with an Appointment Type. We do not have options for further customization. One option would be to use a different payment processor you could setup Tentative bookings and route the booker to the alternative payment system. With Tentative bookings you will need to accept or reject every booking. In this instance you would only accept the booking after a successful payment was made.

I have meeting rooms that I bill on time. They have a price per slot and a maximum price per day. For example if a customer reserves 10 slot of 10 euros it is 100 euros. After 10 slots the price is the same ie 100 euros.
Would it be possible to add to the average payment category a maximum price?