Working elsewhere outlook integration

When I use the working elsewhere feature in Outlook that is marked as free time, youcanbookme registers those days as “busy”. Please fix this!! If Outlook registers it as free time on my calendar youcanbookme should do the same. I’m working remotely a few days a week and still want people to book on those days.

Hi there, welcome to the forum. Unfortunately Microsoft does report these “working elsewhere” status as busy to us. But we have heard your feedback and will make sure the product team is aware.

I expect the response will be the same as YCBM still shows working elsewhere as busy. But it has been 2 years. Any chance that YCBM could overrule what Microsoft sends and make it available. I’m in the same situation as the original poster. I would still like to be able to schedule consultations when I am working from home. Thanks for considering!